Tips for Teaching Kids to Sew – Lesson Plans – cybercraftworks

Tips for Teaching Kids to Sew – Lesson Plans – cybercraftworks

I’ve had a lot of fun through the years teaching kids (including my own) how to sew, whether that’s sewing by hand or on a sewing machine, decorative stitching or more practical projects.

September is National Sewing Month, so I thought it would be a good time to talk about how and why to teach kids how to sew.

For the why: it’s great for all kids to know the basics of sewing, so that they can mend their own clothes when they get older or even make their own clothes if they want. Embellishing clothing and other objects with stitching is fun, a way to express yourself and can be a stress reliever, which we all need regardless of age. Plus it’s a fun thing you can do together!

When it comes to how to teach kids to sew, I like to start with a simple project like a burlap bookmark, which allows them to learn how the thread moves in and out of the fabric to make stitches. Sewing on plastic canvas is another great way to start, because the holes are already there and it’s easy for little hands to hold.

Once you move to fabric, sewing on felt is a great way to practice sewing two pieces of fabric together because the layers will cling to each other, making them more stable than layers of regular fabric. Kids can make their own softies from their imaginations or use softie sewing patterns as a springboard.

Another great beginner sewing project for kids is making a pillow out of a T-shirt. You can use the side seams of the shirt and just have to sew the top and bottom, which makes it a faster and easier project that can be done by hand or on the sewing machine (or some of both). Here’s a good pattern from x, or add a pocket to the back and a carry strap with this tutorial from Sunny Day Family.

When my daughter had a sewing unit at school they made pajama pants and matching pillows out of flannel, and then made simple tote bags as a bonus project. This pattern from Life Sew Savory has sizing for the whole family, from 2T to adult XL. This tote bag from Jenny Famtastic Sews on Etsy is similar to the ones they made.

To some extent the best sewing patterns for teaching kids to sew are going to depend on the child. Someone who loves scrunchies might like to learn how to sew some (I like this pattern from Melly Sews), while others might want to sew cosplay costumes, toys or dog bandanas. The possibilities are endless!

The best advice when it comes to teaching kids to sew is just to start. Offer kids the option of working with you on a project, or come up with something fun you think they’d like to try. And if it doesn’t take the first time, keep trying.

I’d love to hear any tips you have for teaching kids how to sew!

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